Linking up!
Hey girls and guys!
I was reading over at Lynnette Kraft's blog (click here) about an awesome idea she had to connect and encourage Christian ladies (sorry guys!) through blogs. So, without further ado, here is my contribution!
10 Charming, Wonderful and Interesting things about ME!
1. I love books - any type of books. Short, fat, long, big, pictures, lots of words, hundreds of pages, or chunky board books. I love 'em!
2. If I am sad, I will cry. If I am happy, I will cry. If I am really confused and don't know if I am happy or sad, I will cry.
3. My favourite time of year is spring time - my birthday season and MANGO season! (I <3 mango...)
4. My all time favourite movie is... The Sound of Music.
5. If I could do only one thing with my life, it would be LOVE OTHERS. I wanna be a mum and just love on people and show them how much God loves them.
6. I can't remember the last full-priced, brand-new item of clothing that I bought... it might have been some underwear... (I'm a op-shopper!)
7. If there is one thing that I really don't like - it would have to be butcher's shops. They smell REALLY bad, and there are like bits of dead animal everwhere... ewwww....
8. I have only ever left my home country once. (FYI, I live in Australia, and went to Fiji, for a missions trip, last year.)
9. I would love to marry someone with an accent... one day! Probably not soon, as 16 is a little young in my parent's books, but hey! Soon...
10. I love love love love love love love love love love love love love love GOD! :)
SOO!! Please remember to check out Lynnette's blog (here) and join in the linky, get-to-know-you fun!
God bless you beautiful people!
14 Thoughts from YOU!:
Hey just stopped by to check out your blog. Great post & some very neat things. I can cry at the drop of a hat happy or sad. I know how you feel. Take care
you live in australia? AWESOME!
That was awesome!
Dropped by from Lynnette's blog to say hi,
OH, but when I smell that butcher shop, I love the fact that I know the meat is fresh and not old like you sometimes get when you buy it at the grocery store.
Have a great day.
Thanks for sharing! I enjoy getting to know other bloggers.
I too cry whether I am happy or sad, makes my husband's head spin at times. LOL
this is great! your blog is so cute and you sound like a really great girl!
Hope you have an awesome day!
Just curious - what is an accent to you?
To me (So Cal) YOU have an accent, as do folks from So. Africa, England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Southern US & New England.
Enjoyed your sharing. :)
I cry, too. I'll just go ahead and warn you now that it confuses the male populace to no end. The answer "I don't know why I'm crying" makes no sense to them! I loved that you want to marry someone without an accent- such different perspectives from around the globe! Love it!
Thanks for the honesty!
Blessings, Shannon
I thoroughly enjoyed my visit here today. What a cute blog! How wonderful that you just want to love - that's a rare gift in this evil world you know. It must be God in you!
I love many of the things you love - Sound of Music, books, spring, and of course - GOD!
Have a beautiful day!
Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground
Loved it! :D
I love the snowflakes that fall on the screen when you move the mouse. That's so cool. I'm pretty new to this whole blogging world, but I LOVE Lynnette's blog! I'm a stalker, oops I mean a follower, yeah right, that's what I meant to say! Anyway, I would LOVE to go to Australia some day. It's at the top of my list of places to see. Love your blog and YOU GO GIRL! Love your enthusiasm for the LORD!!!!!
I just came to your blog from Lynette's! I've enjoyed reading your 10 things, and I'll be back to read more later.
Hey from the front porch party!
Great to meet you in Australia! If I ever traveled over seas, that is where I would go!
I LOVE books too! And after you have children, you get to collect and read all those childrens books again! hehe! =)
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