Monday, May 18, 2009

Waiting for 'The One' - Part 1

Well, I deliberated over this for a number of days, but have decided I might as well go for this topic. I am going to tackle a series on 'Waiting for 'The One'. Now, I know there are a number of under-15 year olds reading this, so please, don't go and do anything silly... and you over-15's, don't do anything silly either! I guess what I mean is... don't change what you believe just because you have read what I believe. If you like something I say, talk about it with others, pray about it and know it is what is right for you before basing your life on it! We will have at least 5 parts to this series, perhaps more, so this is my thought so far... 1. Embrace the Promise 2. Embrace your Time 3. Embrace some People 4. Embrace Your God 5. Embrace Your Life! I'm thinking we might also do a question/answer post at the end of all of these... let me know what you think... but, without further ado... I present...

Waiting F
or 'The One' (part 1)
Embrace the Promise

Promise: (from the Free Online Dictionary)
1. a declaration assuring that one will or will not do something
2. a vow

Indication of something favorable to come; expectation
4. Indication of future excellence or success

Do you remember your primary school days? Ah, those sweet days of 9-year-old-ness, where you were totally focused on just living life and whispering about it to your friends. "Know what I did this weekend?" "Did you hear? Katy was seen..." "WOW! That is SO amazing!" "I have a secret... promise you won't tell anyone..." A primary school promise... it was that thing that you made every two seconds (at least I did...). My friends and I were forever promising this or that to each other... we'll be friends forever. I won't tell a soul. I will take the best care of it. I won't tell your mum...

Were you ever the victim of a broken promise? I know I was... many a time! I also know there were lots of promise I broke... like it just happened to slip out that Becca was totally in love with Josh.... but you didn't hear it from me. And don't tell anyone else. How betrayed did I fell when someone broke a promise they made to me? (and yet I still broke theirs...) Why am I telling you this? Well, I'd like to shar
e with you some promises a dear friend made to me...

  • I want you to be my friend.
  • I want to be near you, learn about you, and tell you all about me.
  • Whatever you ask me to do, I'll do it for you - because I love you.
  • I want you to do the right thing - even when it is hard - and I want to help you do that.
  • I want to hug you tighter than anyone else when you are sad or lonely.
  • I beleive in you - always have, always will.
  • I you believe in me, I will give you whatever you ask for.
  • I will give you all of the desires of your heart - but you have to delight in me and make me your focus.
  • I have great plans for you - if you will only seek me, I will show you them.
Have you guessed? My friend who has promised me these things is God. The Creator. Almighty. He has promised these things and more. He has assured me that when I trust and obey Him, anything is possible. Wow! How awesome is that! One of the greatest promises I hold onto is this one...
All the days planned for me were written in your book before I was even one day old... Psalm 139:16.
Isn't that awesome? God has planned all of my days - he knows my comings and goings. He has already planned my life - he knows the people I will meet and those who I will be blessed by. He has already given me a purpose - He has a plan for everyday I spend on this earth. And God's promises are not like our earthly ones - once He has spoken, His word cannot be change. That means that these words were true yesterday, are true today, and will be the same tomorrow...

As you are waiting for your 'One', don't be consumed by not knowing who they are or what they look like. Instead, be consumed by knowing your God, knowing His heart and what it looks like. Hold on to the promises he has given you - and trust in Him for the best.

The challenge for today - embrace God's promises. Take some time to examine your heart and think about what your dreams are. Write them down. Now - give them to God. Give your dreams and plans to Him to hold. Stand firm on the promise that He knows best and will give you the perfect partner - in His time. I'd love to hear how you go with giving up to God - I will be praying for you, dear friends for God, that you are blessed today as you spend time giving and seeking Our Father. :) Blessings! :)
(PS. the image is of the WillowTree Figurine 'Promise'... says it all, really!)

3 Thoughts from YOU!:

Anonymous,  May 18, 2009 at 12:49 PM  

Here is a point once made at my church that I thought was quite interesting.

Our culture today is so focused on finding 'The One'. People often go though heaps of partners in their quest. But we will never truly find 'The One' until we realize a certain thing. We need God to be our number 'One' and our partner number 'Two'. When God is our One, and we are serving Him with all our hearts, He will organise our number Two for us. Basically, as you said, it's about waiting on God and serving him completely as our 'One'.I hope that makes sense...

justagirl4god May 18, 2009 at 12:58 PM  

Summermoon, bestest of friends... I was going to make that point in... part 4, I think. Only you would beat me to it. Thank you dear friend.
Lotsa Love...

Anna Naomi May 23, 2009 at 1:44 AM  

Great post! God is truly the only One Who will truly satisfy our souls.

The picture you used is so sweet - I've always liked that figurine each time I've seen it!

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