Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Somewhere over the Rainbow...

Rainbows are so beautiful, aren't they? And they are not just a wonderful reflection of light - they are a promise to us from God. :) And that promise has been there for thousands of years... and it is still there...
God promised that He would never flood the earth, and He has also promised us that our whole world is in His hands.
He has never gone back on the rainbow promise - so why would He stop holding your world?

Your world is held by the creator of the universe - stop worrying about what tomorrow is going to bring and live today to glorify Him.

2 Thoughts from YOU!:

emii May 27, 2009 at 6:59 PM  

hey girlz,
today my teacher, also my uncle, said that he was writing an article in the school newsletter, about something, and he wanted to include my blog. I said ok (no idea why i said ok) and now I regret it. because, that's one thing i love about blogging -- u girlz dont laugh at this. so, for a few weeks, possibly, its going to be on 'with permision only'. i really dont want to do that, because it means that everyone cant read it. but, to make things a lot easier -- you can either post a comment with your email address in it, so that i can put you in 'permission to read' or send an email to the blogz adress at and , if you cant access this, please go to Larny, Abbie, Chelsea or one of the other girlz blogz, or comment at nancy rue's blog, if you need to give ur email to me. this stuff wont matter if my dad can reach my uncle before the newsletter is published (tomorrow) , but im just telling you, in case, because i dont want peoples from my school reading it...

xxx emii

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