Friday, May 8, 2009

A New Day is Dawning...

Well, my first blog post. Kudos goes out to Twitter friends who suggested I do this. :) Thanks, you rock. And of course, I shall now begin my... randomness.

This blog shall be like my mind... online, with commentary. I shall post my random thoughts about God, life, family, guys, love, books, etc, etc, and you can just tell me what you think too, commenting.

What else to say... oh, the whole point of this is to get people following my twitter, and to talk about random stuff, so do both please! :)


Just a Girl 4 God

PS. Yes, I am doing this anonymously. Please respect this and don't quiz me to much about where I live, my real name, etc. etc. Thanks beautiful people!

3 Thoughts from YOU!:

Anonymous,  May 8, 2009 at 12:09 PM  

Hey! Welcome to the blogging community!

Now I will respect your privacy, but please, do I know you? And if the answer is no, how did you hear about my blog? Just for curiousity's sake. :)

justagirl4god May 8, 2009 at 1:57 PM  

Hey Summermoon,

Yes, I know you. You know me. Have emailed you.


Just a Girl...

Anonymous,  May 9, 2009 at 12:18 PM  

AHA! You cannot escape my wise eyes... :P

Love the layout. Gorgeous.

Post a Comment

Thank you for leaving your thoughts - they are very valuable to me!
Please remember that whatever you write is moderated first, and that I want this blog to glorify God... so, keep that in mind and comment away!
God bless!